Research Poster

Malaysia Multidisciplinary Sleep Conference
Theme: Bridging Specialties in Sleep


General Information
1. Submission deadline is 1st March 2025. Presenters will be notified on acceptance of abstract. 
2. One presenter can present ONLY ONE research paper, but participation as a co-author in other papers is permissible.  
3. We invite clinical and research-based abstracts from professionals across the medical and dental fields, including doctors, dentists, specialists, nurses, technicians, and sleep technologists. Submissions are also welcome from engineers, experts in medical and dental technology advancement and development, as well as students in these disciplines.
Abstract Guidelines
1. Presenters MUST register for the conference prior to abstract submission. Kindly provide proof of payment in this digital form.
2. The abstract must be in Microsoft Word format, text (left aligned, single line spacing) using Calibri font size 12 and in English (UK).  
3. Abstract should not exceed 250 words. Abstracts that exceed the word limit will be truncated.
4. Abstracts must include a title, author(s) name(s), and affiliation(s). Starting after the title, list each author’s full name. Place an asterisk (*) after the name of the presenting author. Asterisk only one name per abstract. Use superscript numerical indicators to associate authors with their affiliations. 
All text of abstract must contain the following:
For research-based project
1. Tracks: (Choose one: Medical, Dental, or Technology)
2. Objective: The content of abstract must contain a brief statement of the objectives of the investigation.
3. Materials & Methods: The content of the abstract must also contain a brief description of the experimental methods used.
Results: Essential results including data and where appropriate, statistics should be clearly stated in the abstract content
4. Conclusions: Conclusions should be underlined.
5. Supporting agency and grants: Where supporting grants have been received, the agency and grant number should be quoted.
6. Completed abstract are to be submitted through the online form at

Yours Truly,

MMSC 2025 Scientific Committee